Counseling Services
Who we Serve
In-person and Online Counseling services are available to all residents of South Florida and the Bahamas area from preschool age to adulthood.
- South Florida: In-person Counseling Services is provided through Barry University’s CARE Center located on its Miami Shores Main Campus in the College of Health and Wellness, Leadership and Human Development.
- Bahamas: In-person Counseling Services is provided through Barry University’s CARE Center located in Queens College Campus in the Bahamas.
- Online counseling services are offered through telehealth web-based platforms for all residents of South Florida and the Bahamas area.
- CARE Center currently does not accept health or medical insurance.
- CARE Center offers affordable low-cost counseling services. Please call 305-899-3726 (United Sates) or 1-833-642-5080 (Bahamas Toll Free) to inquire about our affordable rates.
The CARE Center does not provide emergency services, detoxification services or care for those with acute mental illnesses. Those requiring these critical care services are referred to the appropriate facilities.
The CARE Center does not provide ‘counseling’ services to Barry Students or Barry University Faculty/Staff. Barry students in need of counseling services must go through Student Counseling and Psychological Services office on Campus. Barry Faculty and staff in need of counseling services must go through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or health insurance.
In the event of an emergency (suicide, homicide, sexual assault, domestic/intimate partner violence, abuse, or neglect) please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Types of Counseling Services Offered
Individual Counseling
Family Counseling
Couples & Marriage Counseling
Group Counseling (depending on availability of demand)
Who Provides Counseling Services?
The CARE Center Counseling services are provided by:
Clinical Treatment Teams: Advanced graduate students pursuing a Master’s or Doctoral degree in counseling under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health professional.
For appointments or further inquiry, contact the CARE center
Phone (Miami Shores-USA):
Phone (Bahamas Toll Free Number):
Information & Resources
Community Resource Information/Referral Services
2-1-1 Miami or 305-631-4211
Veterans Crisis Line
1-800-273-8255 and press 1 Text 838255
Florida Abuse Hotline
(Child, elderly, vulnerable adult)
Report Online:
Disaster Distress Hotline
(crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster)
Banyan Health Systems - Miami Primary Care
Mobile Response Team Miami WestCare/The Village South (Miami-Dade County)
800-HELP-YOU (800-435-7968)
Guidance Care/Center (Monroe County), Inc.
(305) 434-7660
Kristi House
(provides treatment, advocacy, and coordination of services for all forms of child sexual abuse and trauma)
National Sexual Assault Hotline
National Domestic and Dating Violence Hotline
National Human Trafficking Hotline
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Health & Human Services Resource for Miami-Dade and Monroe County
Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) Crisis Helpline
1-844-878-CCRI (2274)
Serves victims of “nonconsensual pornography” (image-based sexual abuse) around the world.
Borinquen Medical Center
Primary Care, OB/Gyn, Pediatrics, Chiropractic, Pharmacy, Dental
Roxcy Bolton Rape Treatment Center
(provide comprehensive, quality medical treatment)