College of health and Wellness, Department of Counseling and School psychology
CARE Center
Counseling, Assessment, Research, and Education
CARE Center
The CARE Center (Counseling, Assessment, Research, and Education) is designed to meet the academic and mental health needs of underserved children and their families from our local community. The Center offers a full range of educational diagnostics, interventions, and mental health support services that address a diverse spectrum of individual needs while promoting individual and family wellness from a holistic perspective.

Our Mission
The mission of the CARE Center is to provide high quality and cutting-edge Counseling, Assessment, Research and Education services that promote social justice, foster collaborative service, and is inclusive of our diverse community.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sanchez
CARE Center Director
Our Services
Assessment Services focus on psychoeducational diagnostic interventions for academic, emotional, or behavioral issues.
Research efforts focus on collaborative partnerships that promote the common good and a more humane and just society.
Education services focus on workshop and training opportunities to increase knowledge and skills.
Giving to
The CARE Center
Barry University’s CARE Center needs your support of its mission. Your passion and support for knowledge and truth, inclusive community, social justice, and collaborative service opens a world of possibilities for our students and the communities we serve through the CARE Center.
By giving online, your contribution will make a huge impact for our community, as well as create opportunities and promote excellence within the CARE Center. Your giving will help fund:

News and Events

CHAMPS-CROP Program Highlights
The CHAMPS-CROP Program is dedicated to fostering mental, physical, and

Celebrating Fatherhood: CARE Center’s Participation in the Daddy & Me Event
On Saturday, August 17th, the CARE Center was honored to

Community Engagement: CARE Center’s Participation in the Back 2 School Resource Fair
On Thursday, August 1st, the CARE Center joyfully participated in